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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Just an Update and such.

I feel awful that I haven't been on here in about, oh, let's see, THREE WEEKS?! jeeze, i'm such a terrible blogger. haha.

The above pics are just the cherry on top aren't they? Mmmmm, so cute!

Now, along with my lame-ass excuses, I also have some good news. If you're reading my blog and you've just come from, you know that Dracula's Guest is winding down.

That being said, I'm going to have to get off my lazy butt and step up on my "Like We Never Loved At All" story so I can start posting that one! But I HAVE been writing it, and I WILL finish it.

Along with the good, I also have some bad news. (Nothing to terrible, I promise)

Starting next tuesday, this bitch has to go back to....*GASP*....Schoool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Wipes tears from eyes as I sob*

Which means, guys, that I may not have as much time to write as usual. It may also mean that when I need to vent from school work, i'll probably write. So IDK if this is a good thing or a bad thing....
Oh, who am I kidding? The world is ending in my eyes. haha.
Now that i've gotten all that over with, I have to say that I have a recommendation of a book you should read the next time you go to the Library. Well, BOOKS, actually. It's a series.
It's called Vampire Academy, and I started reading it a while ago and just now got caught up on the last couple books in the series. It is REALLY GOOD!
Sounds stupid, you think? Well, it's not. The main character, Rose, is so far from Bella that it's scary. She isn't a damsel in distress, she doesn't need rescuing. She's got a foul mouth and bad reputation, and she's in love with her (totally hot, dark) instructor.
I HIGHLY suggest you read it. You won't regret it. I certainly don't.
Well, that's all for now, guys. Have a great...Fall. haha.
Talk to you all later.

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