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Monday, June 25, 2012

Teaser Time

So, the last time I graced all of you lovelies with my prescence, I told you about a story I am currently working on, based upon my own life.

No, I haven't had any new ideas for Edward/Bella stories or Rose/Dimitri stories for that matter, and I'm soooo sorry. In fact, after I publish this post I'm going to sit in front of my computer until I can write at least a ONE-SHOT about one of those sets of characters. I will be sure to post the link on here when it's done. :)

As for the real-life story, I have a smalllllll teaser. Just thought I'd give you a sneak peak... So, without further adieu...


Love at first sight. Whenever one hears the phrase, roses and smiles and sunshine and unicorns seem to be popular subjects that come to mind. What one doesn’t bring to mind, though, is how true those four words put together in that order can sometimes be.

  What did that sentence even mean anyway? Was it two eyes meeting across a crowded room? Two pairs of orbs shining at each other on the dance floor as bodies swayed? For me, it meant something very different. To me…It meant two years of my life wasted, completely ruined and against dating anyone else. It meant heartbreak and worry, and also the most exhilarating feeling anyone had ever felt in their entire life…


  And that’s where my story begins. I didn’t need to weeks like that Savannah girl in “Dear John.” No, it was more like a day. That was all it took from the time when I first looked into the eyes of just about the most unavailable person in the world to me. My best friend’s older brother.

Cue the fucking mood music. It’s cliché, I know. Pathetic? Yes, most definitely. But it happened.

They say you can pick your friends and I’d believed up to that point that guys fell into that same category. That I could look at someone and say, “Hey, he’s cute,” and start dating him. I was obviously incredibly fucking stupid at that time. Or high.

Because the moment I made eye contact with that lovely pair of bright blue eyes, I was lost to the world. It didn’t matter that he was older than me, or that he smoked, drank, and was an altogether trouble maker. It made no difference to me. In my eyes, he could do no wrong. Again, fucking dumb.

Two years I waited. Years filled with pain and heartbreak when I saw his relationship statuses change on facebook, and joy and hope when I saw them go back to “single.”

  I kept up with what was going on in his life through his little sister—my best friend—and also the most oblivious person on the planet.

By the end of the second year, I’d given up. Enough was enough, it was never going to happen. Besides, that would be awkward as hell, dating my best friend’s older brother.

  Until around four years later, I was perfectly content to live my life as normal. Pre-obsession normal, that is.

  That was when the day came where I didn’t have to want him anymore.


Well, there ya go. Hopefully it wasn't too terrible. :)

See you soon. -RachaelP