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Monday, January 17, 2011

Never Look Back Chapter 5

Well, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! It's been quite a while since my last post, but I'm not going to mention that considering I'm starting to sound like a broken record. haha

Never Look Back Chapter 5 is up and posted on Fanfiction, as well as the R/K one-shot "Dive For Dreams" that used to be only exclusive to Quizilla.

While I'm here I might as well tell you what's been going on since I've blogged last. I've been very busy with schoolwork lately, as I had anticipated, so Never Look Back was on a slight hold for a little while there. It may continue to have breaks in between, I haven't had a chance to really write anymore of it lately. I WILL finish this story though, that I can promise.

On a lighter note, I've watched some movies lately that I highly recommend you put on your "to watch" list. First, "Salt" with Angelina Jolie. I LOVE that movie. Easy A was hysterical, Despicable Me is probably the cutest kids movie ever, and The Social Network is extremely interesting--especially if you have a facebook account.

My friend Nichole also now has an account on FF where she's posting her story "Heroes Never Die" I highly suggest you read it. It's very good. Her name is DaniellaLutz, and she's also on quizilla.

Also, HOW ABOUT THAT BREAKING DAWN, PIC, HUH??? WOW. That movie's gonna be H.O.T!

Well, that's it for now, I suppose. Enjoy Never Look Back, guys.

Talk to you later.
